I grew up in an old part of an old city and holiday time to me was forever sparkling green and silver, gold and red. It meant garlands wrapped around the base of street lamps and warm oak banisters, a favorite pearl-colored angel ornament, candles in windows and wreaths on doors, people bundled up against the cold in crowds hurrying home after shopping, hot chocolate, satin party dresses, singing carols. It meant Santa, waiting in the shadows to come down your chimney that one night, even if you didn't have a chimney. It was always pure magic.
Rosanna Bowles, the Seattle-based china designer, is one of the few who can bring that magic back into adulthood through her work. Borrowing from visual elements of her many travels and interests, she is able to combine the innocence of childhood with the wisdom of the seasoned artist, which I consider a high form of alchemy.
So I would like to focus on one of her new patterns as a "must have" for your holiday party: FOUR CALLING BIRDS. They are, ostensibly, the birds of "Partridge in a Pear Tree," but brought into a new century. Drawn in 24-carat gold with a splash of foliage against a white background, they look like they have been caught on the edge of a snowstorm. The dessert plates feature the birds and branches in four different positions, so you feel a flock has landed on the table. There is something about this pattern that merges the delicacy of an Old Master drawing with a modern starkness and a richness of material. The pattern also comes in small footed dishes, perfect for scattering rich tidbits around your living room. I can also see these dishes being used together for a sushi snack, the footed ones perfect for soy sauce and wasabi.
So run don't walk to http://www.rosannainc.com/ to see this and other delights that Rosanna has in store for you. One of the "perks" in buying at Rosanna is that each pattern comes in its own themed box. I use mine in closets for gloves, scarves and other small things and they look amazing on a shelf (also under a Christmas tree with a simple ribbon around them in case you aren't buying for yourself.) Enjoy -------